A Syrian Woman

From the filmmakers…

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A SYRIAN WOMAN is a poem dedicated to the millions of Syrian refugee women who are raising the next generation amid crisis.

Through news media, political rhetoric, and countless humanitarian appeals, Syria has come to be known as a country whose political upheaval and war has caused over 7 million to flee to other countries. This population has too easily become recognized solely under the title of “refugee” – a nameless, faceless moniker.

Now, nearly ten years after the conflict began, the long term effects are far-reaching. We wanted to learn more and share a story that illuminated the persisting challenges women face after their initial displacement while highlighting their resilience in the face of sustained adversity. More than anything, Khawla and I were compelled to create a film that served to elevate their unique voices.

It was important to us to build a production team comprised almost entirely of women local to the region or of Arabic-decent who were committed to the cause. With UNICEF’s assistance, we were able to reach families living within and outside the Jordanian refugee camps. Our interviews revealed their great strength – determined to protect their families and rebuild their lives.

This film is a small message of love back to the Syrian women in the filmmakers' own lives. But the intentions reach beyond that sentiment. We hope this film inspires greater humantarian support by allowing us to grow a little closer to the real people affected.

Louis Karim Sayad DeCaprio & Khawla Al Hammouri